What is an Akashic Records reading?

An Akashic Records reading taps into a soul’s history via its energetic imprint or vibration. It’s a skill that is accessible to all who want to learn it, and it’s a great tool to get to the root of any blocks or issues which originate in your soul’s history and are affecting your “Now”.

One of my friends recently asked me what an Akashic Records reading involves.  It was kind of hard to explain to someone who really isn’t into the whole spiritual, woo-woo side of life, but I did my best to explain it from the beginning, with first defining what the Akashic Records are. 

A belief in, or being open to, the possibility of reincarnation, timelines or life in other dimensions is a prerequisite to believing in the Akashic Records. In a nutshell, the Akashic Records are an energetic or vibrational record of everything a soul has been through, is going through, or will go through.  It is a record of every thought, emotion, word, action or intention of a soul. According to Edgar Cayce, the Records “can be equated to the universe’s super-computer system–or perhaps what today would be called cloud computing” (https://www.edgarcayce.org/the-readings/akashic-records/)

Everything has an Akashic Record, it’s not limited to people – animals, planets, countries, governments ALL have their own records. Even the collective consciousness of humanity has an Akashic Record. What I find the most beautiful and compelling about working in the Records is that it can facilitate deep and profound insight and healing – suddenly, a person has perspective into the source of their health, relationship, financial and all other issues which affect us in our modern world.  I know how accessing my own Akashic Records has helped me identify the source of my own issues and idiosyncrasies, and it is truly an honour and privilege to assist others in achieving a level of understanding and acceptance about themselves.

To do a reading, a practitioner taps into a client’s records by obtaining permission, and then requests permission of their Higher Self and Keepers of the Akashic Records to see them. Once in the records, she will ask the Keeper of the Akashic Records, the higher self and spirit guides to assist to uncover lives and incidents in other lifetimes or dimensions which can provide insight in the Now. Fears, blocks, talents, contracts, oaths, limiting beliefs, relationships are among the few things that can be identified, acknowledged and released.

For myself, what I see when I am in a person’s Akashic Records varies, but I have developed a process which allows me to methodically search for information which can assist a person’s life in the Now. I also work with the Archangels while in the records, identifying and releasing past-life issues as required. 

Before doing a reading, I like to clarify with my clients a few points.

The Akashic Records are permission based.  Accessing a person’s Akashic Records is an honour and a privilege, it is not a right. As such, I must receive consent directly from the person for whom I am doing the reading.  I have refused to do a reading for a client’s partner, as he didn’t know she wanted to do it, and I wouldn’t attempt to go in without his direct consent. Unfortunate, as it could have helped him, but if someone isn’t ready, then as a practitioner I must have the integrity to respect the autonomy and privacy of others.

I have also noticed that the more inner work you’ve done on yourself, the deeper the insight and healing you will gain. This is not to discourage people who are new to exploring their spirituality, but rather to encourage inner work. I have noticed a range of results among my clients, but the most information and profound healing has happened with people who are very open to what I do, and have done some degree of introspection, meditation and healing. 

My Akashic Records services

Currently I only do readings via distance, and I don’t need to speak with you to get access to your records, as long as I have consent. Because I am working at an energetic level, I don’t even have to be in the same country (or planet, lol). Using your full, preferred name and birth date to identify you, I ask the Keepers of your Akashic Records permission to access, and then I go in and get to work.  It usually takes me about an hour, and the amount of information I get always pleasantly surprises me and my clients.

After I complete a reading, I will create a voice recording and send it via email or Drop Box. I love to write, but unfortunately, it takes me at least an hour to get it the way I want it. In the future I may offer a written summary – please stay tuned for more offerings.

#akashicrecords #soul #healing #reincarnation

© 2020 Jodi Forsythe