Energetic Clearing of Ancestors and Bloodlines in the Akashic Records

It is powerful when an individual steps up and accepts the responsibility to break dysfunctional family patterns and inter-generational trauma. We are the product of the love of generations of our ancestors, as well as the precursors to our own descendants.  The gifts from our bloodlines can be our greatest blessings, and their traumas our greatest challenges; ultimately, it is up to us to take responsibility for healing what we have inherited so that future generations are free. We can begin to heal these traumas and patterns in our Akashic Records. This frees not only ourselves, but also our bloodlines and future generations.

~  The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit. ~  Nelson Henderson

Did you know that you can assist yourself, your ancestors, bloodlines and future generations by energetic clearing in the Akashic Records?  This is important, as we ALL have family patterns and traumas which are affecting our lives in the now.  When you work on yourself, you are also benefiting your bloodline. But what can you do when you have people in your family who might benefit from a clearing, but they are not open to spiritual work? 

Great question!  It is possible to go into your Akashic Records and ask your ancestors to come forward for clearing.  Doing this, you are indirectly assisting your family line. I have seen family patterns such as intergenerational trauma, addiction, oppression, violence, poor health, servitude, shame, guilt, etc. identified and cleared in the Records – and then the benefits ripple throughout the generations, in all directions of time.  It is truly a beautiful and profound process, and clients have reported noticing they have found a sense of peace in their current family relationships. 

Let’s say, for example, you have a family member (e.g. sister, brother, father, uncle, grandmother, it doesn’t matter) who has alcohol abuse issues, and this has been in your family for generations. It may be possible to identify the root cause of this issue within your Akashic Records – perhaps it’s your great-great-great grandfather who turned to alcohol as a trauma response. By going into your ancestors’ soul history and clearing the energetic imprint and emotions surrounding the trauma and cause of the addiction, you could potentially assist not only your addicted family member, but the initial person affected and everyone in subsequent generations. What a wonderful gift to give your lineage. (even if they don’t know it!)

The benefits of working in the Akashic Records extends far beyond the negative stuff. It is also possible to identify the gifts and inheritance of ancestors and integrate and activate them in our lives in the Now, as well as those of our descendants.  Wouldn’t it be beautiful to be able to activate in yourself or your children, for example, the artistic gifts of an ancestor in your lineage? How about a pioneering or entrepreneurial spirit?  Our Ancestors have so much to give us, if we are open to receive.

Clearings and activations definitely have a trickle-down effect. It is known as the “7th Generation Principle”, and is a Native American concept that teaches us to consider how what we do in the now can affect 7 generations in the future. The ability is within you to gift future generations that you might never meet on the physical plane, even if no one is conscious of it.

When I am clearing ancestral patterns in the Akashic Records, I will open your personal records, and then invite in all of your bloodline who wish to participate.  This can even work if you are adopted, as you have soul contracts with both your birth family and your adoptive family.  I often see large groups of souls appear in the records when I do this, and I will go through a similar process that I do with an individual reading, except I apply them to your family collective. As I do the work, I can see the reactions of the souls, and it is amazing to see them glow as lower vibration energy is cleared and high vibration, Source light is restored to them. When the darkness lifts and Source light ripples through the group, the joy, peace and gratitude is palpable. 

Please reach out if you would like to try an ancestral healing session.  I have a new, 90-minute offering – a very “deep dive” – which includes both personal and ancestral healing – you can find more information in the link Akashic Records Readings. Alternately, you can have a session focusing solely on your Ancestors, but I do recommend that you get one or two sessions prior to the Ancestral work. Doing so clears your energy body to better accommodate the changes to your family collective.

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© 2021 Jodi Forsythe