Healing Emotional Triggers in the Akashic Records

Sometimes we have fears and phobias for obvious reasons, and sometimes we have “irrational” fears – being triggered by seemingly innocent things or events. This also applies to triggers which can make us sad or angry.  Can identifying memories from within the Akashic Records provide soul healing, releasing emotional triggers, restoring a feeling of safety and comfort, and relieving us of our triggers?  My answer is “Yes, it can”.

It is not uncommon to know people who have fears due to events which have happened at some point in their lives. Nearly drowning as a child can create a life-long fear of water. Losing a loved one can create a life-long fear of abandonment. This makes complete sense, but what about people who have a seemingly irrational fear, even though they have not had an adverse event?

Behavioural patterns, including fears and phobias, can have roots in other dimensions or timelines. Identifying events which have happened, and removing the emotion around the event, can bring awareness to a behaviour, often helping a person break free of the trigger.

I first became interested in this subject when I read the book Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss, an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author. As a psychiatrist he was completely shocked when a patient of his, who had debilitating anxiety, regressed to another lifetime during a hypnotherapy session, where this anxiety originated.  Dr. Weiss was intrigued, and continued to work with her until she no longer harboured these feelings. Since that time he has treated many patients, and he also trains practitioners to do this same work.

I love past life regression, and discovered much about myself and my own behaviours and triggers. However, as much as I enjoy participating in a regression with a practitioner, when I discovered the Akashic Records I realized it is less of a process to go through, takes much less time for a session, and could provide me with the answers I was seeking.

Getting back to possible past life triggers for current fears, when a person has died, for example, from a drowning or other traumatic event in another lifetime, the emotions that were felt at the time of passing can linger in the soul as a memory.  For many, the emotions surrounding a memory must be released to facilitate soul healing, after which we will no longer be triggered.

I do find that when I am a client’s Akashic Records, the events and lifetimes which are ready to be released are brought to my attention first. At this point I go through my process of releasing the emotion around the event – these events aren’t “deleted” or “removed” from the soul history, but rather the way the souls remembers it.  I have seen profound and deep understanding and healing with my clients when I have done this. One advantage of doing this in the Akashic Records is that the client does not see what has happened, and is not traumatized further.  

Also, what I find interesting during my distance Akashic Records sessions, is that the higher self of the person often acknowledges my presence and answers my questions.  When this happens, I am able to extract information about why an event is significant, or if there is anything else I should know which can help my client in his or her “now”.  I am also able to determine if they are ready to release attachment to the event and the emotions.

The awareness that can come from an Akashic Records session is a beautiful outcome which helps clients move forward in their lives in the present.

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© 2020 Jodi Forsythe