The Words You Speak – Releasing Oaths and Vows in the Akashic Records

How many times have you uttered words that you have come to regret? Words have an energetic imprint or vibration which may echo through your Akashic Records long after they are spoken. Whether you regret them immediately, forget about them, or they come back to haunt you later, we have all expressed ourselves in anger, frustration, love, lust or other heightened emotions. Now, think about how many other incarnations you’ve had, and the collective, potential impact of words grows. Identifying and releasing oaths and vows from your Akashic Records can be an effective way to move forward in your life today.

~ The words you speak become the house you live in. ~ Hafiz

Make no mistake – words matter.

The proof that words have an energetic imprint or vibration was demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto in his book The Hidden Messages in Water. Dr. Emoto noticed that the crystalline structure of water changed depending on the words spoken to it. Words like “love”, very positive and high vibration, caused the water to re-form itself into beautiful, symmetrical snowflake patterns.Words such as “I hate you” caused the water to become blob-like and asymmetrical. 

This is one example of proof that words of any kind, including oaths and vows, have the potential to boomerang back to you, years or lifetimes after they have been spoken.

During an Akashic Records reading, it is possible to identify oaths or vows made in other incarnations and release them, removing their impact from  your life today.  It is common to see people with relationship, financial or health issues which begin to be resolved when oaths and vows are identified and closed in the Akashic Records.

A vow of chastity, in one or many incarnations, may possibly cause guilt or inhibitions in a sexual relationship in your “now”.  Marriage vows may remain open and carry forward into this incarnation, causing confusion and an inability to connect in a meaningful way with a partner.

I’m sure we’ve all harboured feelings of intense devotion toward people we desire at one point or another in our lives. Imagine stating “I will love her forever” if it is in neither of your souls’ contracts (more on that later) to be in a loving relationship with each other in your now. And then you wonder why it didn’t work out – you were holding onto a vow that no longer has a place in your soul’s journey.

On the flip side, stating “I will hate him forever” in another reality could affect relationships in your current one. How inconvenient for you and the object of your disdain, if you end up being siblings or in a parent-child relationship in the now. Yikes.

Vows or oaths of poverty as a monk or a nun may still be active today, causing a person to be unable to create or maintain money and wealth. As a member of a religious order, the vow of poverty was of little consequence, as your community would have provided for your survival needs. However, in today’s society, money and credit are often required to access basic needs of life, in addition to education and other opportunities. Once the vow or oath is identified and closed in the records, clients often notice a change in how they feel about money and wealth. This results in a change of vibration which is more conducive to allowing prosperity into their lives.

The same principle could apply to someone who was angry and resentful at their own lack – a beggar on the street, for example. In that incarnation, they may have expressed their anger toward a person who was wealthy or well-off. If they said how much they hated the rich, do you see how the words affirming that having money was inherently evil could be the root of their lack now? 

These are just examples of how words can affect you. My own experiences and observations in the Akashic Records have made me much more aware of the words I speak.  When I identified and cleared various oaths and vows in my own Akashic Records, my life began to shift in the best way possible.

What oaths and vows might be in your records, just waiting to be released?

#akashicrecords #oath #vow #release #incarnation #vibration

© 2020 Jodi Forsythe